Le Bridgeur March / April 2016


The reward of teamwork.

We generally receive very little mail concerning the review except, sometimes, when a technical error disturbs an analysis. On the other hand, when we meet random readers of competitions, it is common to have comments. I'm not sure they are very reliable because, eye to eye, you tend not to be too negative. We are like everyone else: we like to be rated, for good or for bad with, you guess, a clear preference.

Our change in formula, layout, presentation and frequency has brought us nearly two thousand reactions from you: emails, phone calls, letters. It's huge. Especially since you seem to be very satisfied and this, almost unanimously.
How the transformation was carried out First of all by long and multiple meetings of the editorial board (see the bear to find out its composition).
This was by no means a simple recording chamber like I have known in the past but the subject of intense discussions to make the magazine clearer, more interesting, more balanced, even relating to the color of the sections , with fierce arbitrations over their length.

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Currently, we are working on an obvious point: the publication every two months takes us a little away from the news. To overcome this handicap, the internet and digital information will ensure our presence with you.

I can only conclude with one word from the whole team: THANK YOU.

  • Year 2016
  • Mois Mars
  • Type de magazine Magazine Papier