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Le Bridgeur March 2015
Portrait of the champion in majesty
The great champions, in bridge as elsewhere, are players like the others whom passion one day took hold of and never gave up. Watching them in situ is always a fascinating sight and our role is to show it to our readers.
We are in the early 1980s in the northwest of the United States, in Indiana. Specifically, the young man who interests us has just left the bridge club on the Purdue campus, the University of West Lafayette. While, alone, he follows the large red brick buildings that separate him from his student room, Eric Rodwell reflects on the most interesting facts of the evening. And, admirable disposition of mind, as soon as he closed his door, he opened the computer which he had acquired during his studies of finance and note. A position he did not know in front of the dead man. Original reasoning in defense. It's the card game that fascinates him.
To remember all this, he names the maneuvers, baptizes the paths of thought. Happy coincidence, in this year 1981, he will obtain his diploma and his first coronation in Bermuda Bowl. Incidentally, note that it is only after this first title that Rodwell will begin to develop the system to which we attribute so much of his successes ... Thirty years later, his old friend Mark Horton will tap him on the shoulder. "You always have those notes that you took when you
was young? We could make a book of it… ”“ Okay, take care of it… ”The Rodwell Files were born, now available in French. You can taste a sample in the news, but what interests me here is how much this book succeeds in transmitting the passion for bridge that still lives in its author.
- Year 2015
- Mois Mars
- Type de magazine Magazine Papier