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Pack Volume 1 and 2 The Top Bridge Notebooks

  • Alain Lévy
  • Philippe Cronier
  • Nicolas Déchelette

Only in french Find the two volumes of Top Bridge written by Philippe Cronier, Nicolas Déchelette and Alain Lévy

Volume 01:

Successfully bidding slam hands is one of the keys to success in today's competitive bridge. This first bidding booklet allows you to master the entire process of developing the right sequence, from quantitative bidding or determining the fit in a forcing situation to using the most effective and modern tools, such as Splinters, interrogatives or the exclusion Blackwood.

Edition Le Bridgeur

152 pages

Volume 02:

Playing well in defense does not mean sacrificing a few preconceived ideas such as honor on honor, the strongest in third or we play again in the weak of dummy... This booklet will teach you to build the foundations of reasoning in flank, from counting your tricks to implementing maneuvers intended to oppose declarer's plan. Supported by numerous examples and exercises, you will reach a decisive level…

Edition Le Bridgeur

104 pages

Since 1983, the Top Bridge association has organized bridge teaching courses with the most renowned teachers. The immense material created during these courses has made it possible to develop these notebooks, progress instruments intended for all those who, whatever their initial level, have the desire to understand bridge and improve, both in bidding and in card. Enriched with numerous exercises, the Top Bridge notebooks will be your reference.

  • Brand Le Bridgeur
  • Auteur Alain Lévy, Nicolas Déchelette, Philippe Cronier
  • Language French
  • Éditeur Le Bridgeur