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Step by step Volume 5 - digital or paper

  • Robert Berthe
  • Norbert Lébely

The fifth part of the Pas à Pas collection on the theme of the card game - Only in French

The first volume of this new series progressively deepens the techniques concerning the trump game plans, with an emphasis on the methods of reconstituting hidden hands.

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Taking up the educational method which ensured the success of the collection, this book opens with a set of data commented in detail, each comprising the logical path leading to the right game plan.

In the last part, the two authors offer a series of commented exercises in the form of a question / answer.

Number of pages: 169

Editions Le Bridgeur

October 2010

Collection: Card game

Authors: Robert Berthe and Norbert Lébely

  • Brand Le Bridgeur
  • Auteur Norbert Lébely, Robert Berthe
  • Thème Jeu de la défense
  • Niveau de jeu 1 - Compétition, 2 - Confirmé
  • Language French
  • Éditeur Le Bridgeur
  • Format Numérique, Papier