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Pack CUB 7: Blows to the trump - Book and cards
The last of the monographs proposed by the Federation as part of the Cahiers de l'Université du bridge series, Georges Iontzeff's book Les Coups à trout, is finally appearing in bookstores.
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Dedicated to the card game, this book is an essential tool for players wishing to progress.
The last of the monographs proposed by the Federation as part of the Cahiers de l'Université du bridge series, Georges Iontzeff's book Les Coups à trout, is finally appearing in bookstores.
Reading it will give regret to those who appreciate the collection, which will cease to exist. Our champion teacher has indeed perfectly fulfilled his specifications: on the one hand, present the main techniques available to the declarer to carry out tricks in a trump contract, from the double cut to the trump reduction in through asset management 4-4 and control of the processes relating to asset control. On the other hand, examine the same concepts from the flank player's point of view: creating their own cutting tricks in defense, struggling to shorten declarer, and understanding the latter's likely strategies to better oppose it.
What to find in the book CUB # 7 University of Bridge CUB: Blows to Trump?
The whole constitutes a very effective manual, based on a great deal of illustrative material in the body of the text. The mode of exposure of these data is particularly interesting. Far from the often allusive presentation of a number of game books on the map, Georges Iontzeff, with his extensive teaching experience, never hesitates to go into the details of the reasoning and leaves no question unanswered. If the reader wants to take the trouble, this way, he always has the means to understand what is on display.
As with all the other CUBs, each of the six chapters that make up the book is accompanied by eight carefully commented deals, which the reader can find on the two arrow games offered with the book. The set constitutes a particularly powerful educational tool and will be of use to both bridge school students and their teachers ...
Pages: 248
Editions: Le Bridgeur, in partnership with the FFB
- Brand Le Bridgeur
- Auteur Georges Iontzeff
- Language French
- Éditeur Le Bridgeur
- Date de parution Janvier 2021