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Plans rapprochés - Zoom sur le déclarant
Only in french - A must-read that introduces you to the basic principles for creating your game plan as a declarer.
Close-Up Plans is the French translation of the famous English book by David Bird and Barbara Seagram, Planning the Play. As its name suggests, the book deals with game plans.
Twelve chapters grouped into three parts (useful techniques, precautions and strategy) present the most important techniques to master when facing dummy. This is indeed a manual, each technique is presented in a concise and synthetic manner and, at the end of each chapter, a box summarizes what the reader must remember and use at the table. To help you better absorb these lessons, the author suggests solving a series of well-calibrated exercises - neither too easy nor incomprehensible. And the last chapter of the book, The Grand Final Quiz, will allow you to check your progress while having fun.
Who is David Bird?
A candidate for the title of the most prolific bridge writer of all time, David Bird began his career almost fifty years ago. Last year, he signed his one hundred and forty-first book. Among his greatest successes, the adventures of the monks of Saint-Titus, first published in collaboration with Terence Reese, earned him international fame.
Who is Barbara Seagram?
Director of the famous Toronto bridge school that bears her name, she is one of the most appreciated teachers in North America. Author of more than thirty educational bridge books, she has written, with Marc Smith, the biggest bestseller in the English-speaking world in recent years: The 25 conventions you absolutely must know.
A word from the Bridgeur
One of the indisputable pleasures of this book is the lively, almost facetious style adopted by the author. Thanks be to Odile Beineix who managed to preserve it in her translation.
Pages: 320
Editions: Le Bridgeur
- Auteur Barbara Seagram, David Bird