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Pack - 5 volumes from the CUB collection
Philippe Cronier / Vincent Combeau / Michel Bessis / Norbert Lébely / Jean-Paul Balian
Pack of the five volumes of the notebooks of the University of Bridge (CUB):
CUB # 01: Signage by Philippe Cronier,
CUB # 02: The two colors of the opener by Vincent Combeau,
CUB # 03: Fit sequences by Michel Bessis,
CUB # 04: Norbert Lébely's communications
CUB # 05: Jean-Paul Balian's Les Ouvertures et redemandes à Sans-Atout.
The arrowed games of each volume are also available at a price of 17 € for a set of two games
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Editions: Le Bridgeur in partnership with the FFB.
- Auteur Jean Paul Balian, Michel Bessis, Norbert Lébely, Philippe Cronier, Vincent Combeau