The practice of the fifth major - the standard

  • Michel Lebel

Michel Lebel

From book to table with 500 exercises on the whole of the Major 5th LEBEL. - 100 sets of 5 exercises - For each set, your score out of 100 and my advice. With this book, everyone can bid very well. It is divided into four main parts: - auctions for two - interventions - competitive from the opener's camp - the slams

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Test your bids with the world champion. The LEBEL Method in 500 exercises. 240 PAGES Editions du Rocher

  • Auteur Michel Lebel
  • Thème Enchères à 2, Enchères à 4
  • Niveau de jeu 2 - Confirmé, 3 - Perfectionnement
  • Language French
  • Éditeur Le Rocher