Play a tournament with me

  • Pierre Saporta

Pierre Saporta

The principle of the book could not be more simple: you sit in front of Pierre SAPORTA to play a big tournament in imp mark, that is to say according to the mark of the match by four. You play the deal as it arrives to you and you benefit from its analyzes and advice. Your pleasure will be twofold: - Go to the discovery of elegant problems which think outside the box and whose solution will make you even more in love with our wonderful game.

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Recognize, in the gallery of opponents that the author jubilantly stages, characters who are far from being foreign to you for a simple reason: they are the ones you meet all year round in tournaments. Do not hesitate to take control! You will find in these pages all the quality of writing and the spirit, not so frequent in the books of bridge, which made the success of Légitime Défense or La Course au Top.

Preface by Michel BESSIS 252 pages Editions LE BRIDGEUR 2017

  • Brand Le Bridgeur
  • Auteur Pierre Saporta
  • Thème Jeu de la carte, Jeu de la défense
  • Niveau de jeu 1 - Compétition, 2 - Confirmé
  • Language French
  • Éditeur Pierre Saporta