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Playing well in front of the dead: Game plans
Norbert Lébely / Robert Berthe
A careful reading of Play well in front of the dead will make you understand and assimilate the concepts to be implemented when developing your game plans, just after the start and is an excellent preparation for reading their best series. Selling Footsteps.
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The book recommended by the French Bridge Federation. Once seized by the bridge, whoever wants to deepen the learning of the card game in front of the dead finds himself faced with a task as essential as arduous. Identifying winning and losing tricks, managing time or orientation problems linked to the dangerous opponent and having to integrate communication or handling problems at the same time requires above all a correct organization of thought. In this area, the acquisition of solid foundations will condition its progress. It is this objective that Robert Berthe and Norbert Lébely set for themselves, when at the request of the French bridge federation, they wrote two books: Le plan d e jeu à la couleur and Le plan de jeu à Sans-Atout , then brought together in one book with the addition of a chapter devoted to the trump game plan. Robert Berthe and Norbert Lébely.
Volumes 1 and 2 of the Footsteps series (published by Bridgeur editions) will help you consolidate your knowledge and complete it all thanks to the interactive software Step by Step in action.
Edition Le Bridgeur July 2015 264 pages
- Auteur Norbert Lébely, Robert Berthe
- Thème Jeu de la carte
- Niveau de jeu 3 - Perfectionnement, 4 - Débutant
- Language French
- Éditeur Le Bridgeur