The major 5th - 6 basic auctions

  • Michel Lebel

Michel Lebel has managed to condense his 5th major into six plates.

Here is the menu:

1 - The openings of the new super major 5th at bridge 2 - The first response 3 - The response to specific openings 4 - The second bid of the opener

5 - Interventions 6 - Basic conventions

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The new Michel Lebel brochures or how to put the fifth major in your pocket.

Co-publications Le Bridgeur - Le Rocher

July 2011

  • Brand Le Bridgeur
  • Auteur Michel Lebel
  • Thème Enchères à 2, Enchères à 4
  • Niveau de jeu 2 - Confirmé, 3 - Perfectionnement, 4 - Débutant
  • Language French
  • Éditeur Le Bridgeur, Le Rocher