Tournament passport, booklet


Detailed bridge explanatory booklet (80 pages).

Designing a Standard convention sheet to allow two players, wishing to have a pleasant tournament, to get up to speed was certainly a good idea.

Given the success of this initiative, it seemed natural to publish a book to deepen what could not be sufficiently developed due to lack of space on the sheet.

You will therefore find, among other things, in this book the developments and inferences of the most classic conventions:

The 2SA fit

The Landy

The simplified Roudi

The Drury

The Lebensohl

The Landik

The Truscott etc...

A small booklet, certainly, but which does the maximum.


Véronique and Michel Bessis

Several times champions of France and Europe, they devote most of their time to teaching bridge and writing reference works.

By the same author: Véronique Bessis