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Pack CUB03 Book + cards
Michel Bessis
The University of Bridge, in partnership with Le Bridgeur, has decided to create a collection of educational books for anyone wishing to progress quickly. LES SÉQUENCES DE FIT is volume 3 of a long series. This third volume was entrusted to Michel Bessis one of our greatest pedagogues and multiple champion of France. The fit sequences are undoubtedly part of those which, during the learning of bridge, know a major technical improvement. Purely quantitative sequences used during the initiation cycle to the use of generalized trial auctions and Splinters,
'is indeed a giant step which is made with, at the end, the possibility of declaring good sleeves or even good slams, but also knowing how to stop at a partial when the games go wrong. CUB # 03 is the federal reference in this area. Naturally in line with the future SEF 2018, this work will be the companion of all bridgers from the fourth major series to the first minor series, and undoubtedly justice of the peace during the lively post-match discussions. To make learning more fun, the famous arrow cards, 2 CUB # 03 games allow you to play 48 application deals
To make learning more fun, the famous arrow cards, 2 CUB # 03 games allow you to play 48 application deals
- Brand Le Bridgeur
- Auteur Michel Bessis
- Thème Enchères à 2
- Niveau de jeu 1 - Compétition, 2 - Confirmé, 3 - Perfectionnement
- Language French
- Éditeur Le Bridgeur
- Age recommandé 36 mois